Might be a pattern here . . .
It seems to be all-socks, all the time around here:

I really like this yarn -- Great Adirondack's Silky Sock in the "Stormcloud" colourway.
I think it might fade a bit, though, because it is turning my needles just a skosh blue. Erk.
And it probably should be handwashed. Double erk.
But I still like it.
Reminds me of Hokusai.

Why so many socks? And why are they so . . . plain?
Well . . .
My brain is gone. (Yes, dears, I had it removed. So refreshing!)
I'm even having trouble with ribbing.
(Took me TWO DAYS to get through that heel you see up there . . .)
Normally I wouldn't bring non-knitting stuff into the knitting blog.
But it is clearly affecting the knitting.
So, here you go.
Apparently, the part of the brain that manages the fancy knitting is the same part of the brain that one uses when learning a new language.
Japanese, this time.
Not that it is going well, but it could be going a lot worse!
We'll see how long this phase lasts . . .
You might never hear about it again, because right now, about all I can do is ask you where the train station is or invite you to have a drink 'at my place.' (Yeah, smarmy.)
On the other hand, maybe someday everything will just click, and I'll be able to translate all those tasty crafting magazines.
But for the time being, I am nearly incapacitated, knitting-wise.
Maybe "they" should do a study? Develop a miracle pharmaceutical? I'd pay good money to get my mojo back . . .
Posy is just sitting there, nearly done. Nearly! But I can't touch it. Because if I can't handle "Knit 3, Purl 1," I definately can't handle Posy.
In other news, those clogs took forever to dry . . . but they are really toasty!
You know, you think, oh, these are made of wool, probably they'll be warm . . . .
But you have no idea how warm until you try them on.
Very nice.
And just in time for winter, eh?

I really like this yarn -- Great Adirondack's Silky Sock in the "Stormcloud" colourway.
I think it might fade a bit, though, because it is turning my needles just a skosh blue. Erk.
And it probably should be handwashed. Double erk.
But I still like it.
Reminds me of Hokusai.

Why so many socks? And why are they so . . . plain?
Well . . .
My brain is gone. (Yes, dears, I had it removed. So refreshing!)
I'm even having trouble with ribbing.
(Took me TWO DAYS to get through that heel you see up there . . .)
Normally I wouldn't bring non-knitting stuff into the knitting blog.
But it is clearly affecting the knitting.
So, here you go.
Apparently, the part of the brain that manages the fancy knitting is the same part of the brain that one uses when learning a new language.
Japanese, this time.
Not that it is going well, but it could be going a lot worse!
We'll see how long this phase lasts . . .
You might never hear about it again, because right now, about all I can do is ask you where the train station is or invite you to have a drink 'at my place.' (Yeah, smarmy.)
On the other hand, maybe someday everything will just click, and I'll be able to translate all those tasty crafting magazines.
But for the time being, I am nearly incapacitated, knitting-wise.
Maybe "they" should do a study? Develop a miracle pharmaceutical? I'd pay good money to get my mojo back . . .
Posy is just sitting there, nearly done. Nearly! But I can't touch it. Because if I can't handle "Knit 3, Purl 1," I definately can't handle Posy.
In other news, those clogs took forever to dry . . . but they are really toasty!
You know, you think, oh, these are made of wool, probably they'll be warm . . . .
But you have no idea how warm until you try them on.
Very nice.
And just in time for winter, eh?

Labels: socks
The Japanese ate your brains.
Nothing wrong with some socks, sweetie. I hope you get your brain back soon. *hugs*
The socks are lovely. Is that an eye of partridge heel? I'd have trouble with that, and there's nothing wrong with my brain.(well...not technically) Cool that you are learning Japanese. My son is an actor. He has to learn to speak with a british accent. Too funny.
So far as I know, it is an eye of partridge heel. But I haven't looked it up in so long, I'm not positive.
Hajime! That and I can count to 10 in Japanese. Evidence of a misspent youth in the Judo hall...
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