Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Yeah, Okay, So I Just Disappeared

For about a month, I'm in this position where blogging is not as easy as it has been -- particularly not the uploading of photos . . .

And only because I know *someone* will ask, please have no worries! I and mine are perfectly well. This reason for the difficulty blogging is (except for the lack of blogging) a good thing -- a great thing!

But it has nothing to do with knitting, so I won't go into it.

As for knitting, Posy is at about 80% completion.

So I do have something to show for the time.


Blogger Cookie said...

You're out having a life, aren't you? :p

Yay for Posy!

5:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry about the lack of blogging. You have a life. I always look forward to your posts, though, and am glad to hear that Posey is nearly done. Can't wait to see:) If you get a chance, I finished the Delicato mitts with the Jojoland you gave me.


12:51 AM  
Blogger Carol said...

Ah yes, life has a way of interfering doesn't it? I have barely picked up needles for a month since I have so much work! It's a good thing, the bank account is happy, but no knitting time!

7:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Julia Roberts shooting a movie at the moment? A HA! Looking forward to Posey...

10:10 PM  
Blogger KaKi said...

So glad you are back. I do enjoy reading your posts. But I understand life getting in the way! I will continue to read your posts when you are able to write. Have a great week!

2:23 PM  

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